I think we had an explosion on Bear Hollow! Here's what happened.
I have a realtor coming by today to talk about listing my house. So I've been cleaning and straightening and hiding stuff to try to make the house look really nice.
I decided I should wash the little bath mat in the bathroom. I was thinking how pretty it would be - all nice and fluffy and bright white.
Now, I've washed bath mats before - many times. So you would think I would know what I was doing. Well, I'm sure I washed this one like I have washed others. Hmmm, this may have been the first time for this one.
Well, anyway, since I'm an old pro at washing bath mats the only explanation for what you're about to see is that there was an explosion inside the washer. The top of the rug seems to still be intact, but the rubber backing that keeps you from slipping and cracking your head open on the side of the tub is... well... look for yourself.